Upon exiting a long and frustrating lockdown, millions are getting back on the roads, and drivers should ensure that they are adequately guarding themselves from the most prevalent hazards on the road. Among these, the most dangerous type is road accidents, but what types of road accidents are common in the UK? Continue reading.
The UK-Wide Picture

With regards to the most current data for the year ending June 2020, ONS figures reveal that total road deaths in the UK were reduced by 14% year on year to 1,580, and all casualties were down 16% to 131,220, primarily due to the impact of the first lockdown. Those are positive figures, and much lower than in the 1970s when statistics began being collected, yet drivers must learn to drive safely at all times.
Hence, what are the frequent reasons for such accidents? According to 2019 government figures, these are the ones to watch out for: According to 2019 government figures, these are the ones to watch out for:
Driver Errors

Driver error is very common, and it spans a variety of mistakes, like not checking out for other users or hazards before a vehicle is moved, losing control of the car, or not realizing other cars’ speed on the road. In order to avoid driver errors and being influenced by them, “be aware” of your surroundings and give other vehicles room.
Poor Driving Behaviour or Inexperience

Aggressive driving that includes speeding, tailgating, and other offenses, together with simple inexperience – either on the road in general, or with the vehicle being driven, is a curse to the UK’s roads. If you drive badly or if you are inexperienced, you pose a hazard to yourself and other road users, with many personal injury solicitors claims caused by this.
Pedestrian Error

Drivers should be ultra-aware of what the pedestrians are doing around them, regardless of whether they are driving in a sleepy rural village or a noisy city center. Pedestrian errors happen when pedestrians step into the path of your vehicle in such a manner that it is difficult to expect or anticipate, but by allowing yourself enough time to brake, you will save yourself, them, and your car from the errors.
Injudicious Action

Ignoring road signs, road surfaces, weather conditions, and some crashes, we’ll sum it all up to a lack of judgment (stupidity in normal words). To avoid this, always use your brain. In cases of rain, ice, or poor road surface, reduce the speed and turn slowly. And when there are signs, follow them.
Distractions and Impairments

Distractions and impairments are the causes of accidents like texting or phoning while driving, drunk or drug driving and even eating while driving. Making sure you’re not at risk of these is simple: do not drive drunk and fully focus on the road. If you cannot live without your phone, then get a handsfree too.