Technology – Automotivesblog – The Latest Automotive News Mon, 22 Apr 2024 15:33:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Technology – Automotivesblog – The Latest Automotive News 32 32 New Safety Features Every Car Owner Should Know About Wed, 28 Feb 2024 19:45:07 +0000 More]]> The automotive industry is moving into the connected car technology era, and, hence, it is logical to know the diverse safety features they are associated with. These features not only deal with how we use our vehicles differently but are also a breakthrough that represents two significant factors, an increase in safety and an improvement in intelligence for the driver. Whether you dart down the city streets or get on the freeway, knowing about these safety solutions in new cars can make your trip a lot more enjoyable.

Automatic Emergency Braking

Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB)

The AEB system utilizes sensors, radar, and cameras – to decipher danger signals – from the front part of the car. It is the system that involves the recognition of potential danger in front of the car. While it is accustoming, a sound and visual alarm will be followed if a danger is detected. Otherwise, AEB system will soon take control of applying the brakes for your vehicle if you don’t respond very fast. This takes a few seconds and may be extremely helpful in emergency or accident situations when the reaction time of the drivers may not be fast enough to prevent something from happening.

For example, say you’re on a busy freeway, and in the worst situation you’re cutting in front of another driver and forcing them to brake. Your car has unexpectedly entered the path of the car in front of you. By just the time it takes to assess the condition and get your reflexes into action, the car’s AEB function has already started the braking process, possibly averting one.

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

ICC has a function of additional cruise control compared to the traditional one. The ACC, which is an antithesis of the traditional cruise control that maintains a given speed irrespective of any traffic changes, automatically adjusts the set speed to a safe following distance from the car to your front. It is based on the use of either radars or lasers sensing the traffic ahead, then automatically speeding up or slowing down as the occasion demands.

One of the significant advantages of ACC is that it helps driver to control themselves from falling asleep. High-speed long drives (especially on the highways) are considered boring and straining as you have to be watching out whether you are following the speed limit or observing if it is possible to overtake the slower moving traffic. ACC reduces the interference of stopping and speeding up by regulating the automatic closing of the gap between the vehicle ahead of you by acting on the brake and accelerator. Hence, you now focus more on the steering and less on controlling the accelerator and brake pedals.

Blind Spot Detection

Sides and rearward attentions are monitored from where you cannot see these points properly. One of the methods is to use sensors or cameras. If indeed the vehicle, or cyclist, or pedestrian melts into the “blind spot,” the system will automatically detect it and warn the driver. The indicator may be visual (for instance a light on the side mirror), audible (for example sound from a car speaker), or tactile (for example vibration in the steering wheel), and this allows you to avoid a potential break during the lane change or while in reverse.

Lane Departure Warning

Lane Departure Warning

Lane departure warning system is based on the camera and sensor that track the lines marked on the road by using them. If the system finds out that the vehicle has unintentionally steered out of its lane without any indication of the use of a turn signal, it will warn you with the help of AVI, audio, or tactile signals. This alert notifies you before a car accident happens, thus allowing an appropriate shift of your trajectory.

For instance, you find yourself in a torrential downpour, and for a short while, you drift away from the road and lose focus, looking at the rain. You stuff your right lane and your car gets into the shoulder of the adjacent lane. Meanwhile, you are not banging the car next to yours after a deceptive LDW alert but simply correct your course.

Forward Collision Warning (FCW)

FCW relies on sensors, cameras, or radar to watch out for possible collisions between the vehicle and pedestrians, objects in the road, or any other oncoming vehicle as the vehicle is in motion. If the system finds anything that could lead to an accident, which may be flash on light, sound the alarm, or vibrate the wheel or seat of the driver, depending on the severity. The purpose of making the yellow light longer is for you to have time to brake and therefore prevent a car crash.

For example, if you are driving in a city and a pedestrian appears suddenly out of the curb right in front of your car, the ligth of FCW system immediately goes on, sending you an alert to stop the car in time.

Rearview Cameras

Rearview cameras provide a direct vision of what is in immediate proximity of your car that may otherwise be obscured by both rear and side mirrors. Backup cameras broadcast a live video to your car’s monitor as soon as you change gear from “Drive” to “Reverse” (Drive-Reverse). It turns into vital when the driver can’t see something that may be in their blind spot. Hence, the technology is crucial to ensure that there will not be any backup collisions.

For instance, the instances can be when a kid or a pet may be playing behind your car or if there are obstacles like bollards, curbs, and bollards which are low-lying in front of you. Indeed, instead of rearview cameras, which can become really lifesavers offering the vital visibility and preventing the unpleasant accidents in these cases, we may say that in the opposite situation side cameras may be installed.

Cross Traffic Alert

The crossing traffic alert function detects the movement of cars, pickup trucks and SUVs which may be approaching from the side and rear of the vehicle when you back out from a parking space. It (the safety feature – that safety feature uses radar or ultrasonic sensors to monitor the area behind and around the vehicle for any moving objects crossing its path), is utilized to prevent any accidental collision. When it senses an approaching car, the system gives you a few cues, which can be visually, acoustically, or manually seen, allowing you to stop or slow down in order not to crash.

Let’s take this instance when you exit the parking space inside a busy shopping mall lot. From their dynamic nature, it follows that cars never pass by you but always are in your sight with the parked ones just covering the view. A cross traffic alert is an improvement that will inform you of an impending vehicle that you can not see before it is detected, and this warning will save you from backing your vehicle into the car which is coming from behind.

Automatic High Beams

Automatic high beams are based on using sensors that monitor the amount of light space if there is an oncoming vehicle or those ahead in the same line. This enables the light intensity to be heightened when there is a longitudinal line in front and illuminance is low, which thus enhance the road viewing capabilities. However, when it detects the headlights of a car coming toward the road or, when it senses tail lights of cars that are in front of you, it immediately shifts back to low beams and does not dazzle other drivers.


Realizing the advantages of these safety features is important for modern cars owners, not only from the safety point of view but also from the replacement parts financial point too. Many car insurance companies these days have an incentive in place for vehicles that have been installed with safety features since they have a decreased risk of an accident happening to them. The consequence might be that some of the car insurance providers are even ready to offer you discounts for being their client. But, accidents do happen, so having a round-about knowledge of car insurance claims is also essential. Your insurer needs all the documented details, including the supporting documents to file a claim.

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The Role of Battery Technology in Ford’s Electric Vehicles Thu, 27 Jul 2023 18:11:52 +0000 More]]> The world car industry is going through transformation and instead of internal combustion car it is now dedicated towards the electric vehicles (EVs) as the green and sustainable alternative way of movement. Regarding being one of the largest car manufacturers not only nationwide but worldwide too, the Ford Motor Company plans to invest in battery technology to function as a power source to the production of their own-made electric cars. This article confesses the battery technology role in Ford electric cars and the way it re-writes the automotive industry’s future.

Advancements in Battery Technology

The battery technology is the main particular of electric car and Ford tries to be in the head of all innovative evolution in such area. The Verge, a major publication, observes that the shift from the old lead-acid batteries is one of the revolutionary changes to what is now the most forward-looking battery technology, the lithium-ion battery technology. Lithium-ion battery has the ability to provide a greater energy density, increased driving ranges, and shorter recharge time while keeping its smaller size, which makes it good for widely-used EVs.

Extending Driving Range

One of the main problems is driving electric vehicles without going beyond a certain distance than normal internal combustion engine vehicles do. In an attempt to grapple with this problem, Ford manufacturers have their attention riveted on larger battery packs. In addition, they have transcended battery management that eventually improves the range of their electric cars.

Fast Charging Capabilities

These products also enable quick charging as stated by Ford electric vehicles battery specifications. Electric charging infrastructure and charging duration are final factors to determine acceptance of electric cars. The main focus of the project in Onward is the quick charging services which have been established in order to satisfy the needs of consumers of the electrical vehicles.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

The electric vehicle’s safety is very much dependent on the battery technology adopted, as it greatly determines the ecological impact as well as reduces the environmental burden. Ford is dedicated to sustainable extraction of materials which batteries are made of, and considering the reusing of the every individual battery at the latter stages.

Moreover, the renewable sources of power in the charging infrastructure add to the environmental benefits of electric vehicles as a whole. Ford is also looking for methods to reduce battery production and disposal ecological consequences as it sustains investing in battery technologies.

Vehicle Performance and Power

Since the technology of rechargeable batteries not only determines the distance traveled by electric vehicles but also affects the vehicle’s power and performance. On the other hand, the progression in battery technology has seen electric cars render overviews of acceleration and power output.

The e-motor system combined with the ultra-power battery packs are the requirements that make Ford’s electric vehicles capable of supplying instant torque and smooth speed and make them exciting cars to drive. The advancement of battery technology is one of the key factors that enables electric vehicles and IC engines to have better and more similar performance characteristics, such as power delivery.

Future Developments and Partnerships

Ford is persisting in its efforts to electric vehicle development and battery technology. The company has unveiled a bold agenda to electrify the whole range, introducing new electric models and extending its EV capabilities shortly. Other than internal R&D, Ford details that they are in discussions with battery manufacturers and technology companies to lead the battery technology development even faster. The collaborations with professionals in the industry will keep Ford at the leading edge of battery innovations and cement its market dominance in the electric car market.

To sum up, battery technology significantly influences Ford’s electric vehicles future. Innovations in battery chemistry, fast charge abilities, and sustainability projects fuel the change of the automotive industry to electrification. With Ford’s investment in battery technology and strategic partnerships, we will see more innovative and environmentally friendly electric vehicles from the company in the future. Through the use of battery technology potential, Ford provides an excellent experience of driving to the customers, and at the same time, contributes to the clean and green future of transportation.

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How Automotive Business Leaders Can Overcome Challenges In The Industry Thu, 16 Feb 2023 18:36:43 +0000 More]]> Automotive industry remains to be a big industry that adds about £67 billion turnover in the UK, but it contributes with around £14 billion to the UK economy. The industry has its own downsides, but they do exist.

Recognize the present economic condition as you build your way up to prepare yourself for the common challenges faced by many stakeholders in the industry. The business world is dynamic, and you should be abreast of current affairs to spot developments affecting and be prepared for changes. Education is a key factor and this is why you should educate yourself on the business landscape as much as you can so that you can base your decisions on information rather than on beliefs and guesses.

Changing Business Environments

It’s not just the automotive industry facing challenges on a mass scale. The business environment is becoming increasingly uncertain, and you may find that traditional approaches for strategies are ineffective in rapid change. Leaders within the automotive industry should ensure they are as informed as possible to make better decisions.

There are a few effective ways to better inform yourself, including a range of relevant courses that could help you strengthen your organizational strategy throughout your business. Such courses help you develop the skills you need to lead your business through complexity. Leaders in the automotive industry will benefit from these courses.

Understanding the present economic environment and challenges as well will let you be ready for the obstacles you might face in your business life. The business world is a very fluid one, and it doesn’t take much to cause an upheaval; keep a tab on current matters to stay in tune with what’s happening. The more you identify with the business landscape, the more prepared you will be for its decisions.

Using New Technology At The Right Time

Automotive Industry New Technology Challenge
Using New Technology At The Right Time

The automotive industry is often at the forefront of technological and innovation advancements. It was Ford who produced the first internal combustion engine, and it was Ford who created the innovative moving assembly line. The assembly line concept allowed the work to be brought to the workers. This vastly improved the speed of production and allowed Ford to become a market leader at the time.

New technology and innovative ideas are always coming to the automotive industry. Your automotive business must dedicate time to research and development so that you can come up with unique ideas. Your business could become a market leader if implemented correctly. You may have a great idea, but the timing may be off.

Tesla is a great example of this. More people are starting to agree that autopilot and full self-driving capability concepts are good, although this was not the case when it was first introduced. It took years of development and swaying public opinion to convince people that it was safe and a good idea. It won’t be long until this is the norm, much like the Ford moving assembly line.

Tesla Self Driving Autopilot
Tesla Self-Driving – AutoPilot System

Figuring out when to use specific technology within the automotive industry is a challenge you will need to overcome. It may be best for you to have a team around you that can contribute to the decision. The more people you have around you offering an opinion, the better your chances are to get it right.

Fuel Availability Concerns

Certainly, the automotive industry is having fuel availability as one of the greatest challenges for the industry. Several scientists expect the oil deposits to get depleted by as soon as 2052, so the automotive industry will be negatively affected by this. While the internal combustion engine is by far the most common car manufacturer-related source of carbon dioxide emissions, most car manufacturers are looking to produce electric vehicles instead because electric car emissions can be sourced renewably to ensure future demands.

It’s not only the manufacturing companies that are entitled to fight these fuel difficulties. All the entities of the automotive industry will be touched in some measure, maybe not in a direct way but some way. Top Company Executives have to work together in order to surmount this issue.

Modernised Cities

Modernised Cities Public Transportation Ride Sharing The Future in the Cities
Modernised Cities – Public Transport

An interesting challenge that has risen in recent years relates to modernizing cities across the UK. More and more cities are embracing public transport and making walking more accessible. This isn’t only done to try and be more eco-friendly, but because it offers more variety to the city’s people. It also helps with traffic congestion and management.

Modernized cities are effective and wonderful, but they do mean a potential challenge for those operating in the automotive industry. It will depend on what role your business plays in the industry. Manufacturers could look to operate in new areas or produce pieces for public transport.

There are an array of challenges facing leaders within the automotive industry. It will be imperative for experts to come together and find ways to deal with them effectively. It’s important to research and build knowledge so that leaders can make more informed decisions.

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Which Compustar Remote Starter Kit to Buy? Tue, 13 Jul 2021 20:07:52 +0000 More]]> If you are an owner of a car and reside in a cold climate area, you must be aware of how irritating it is to sit in a frozen car and wait for it to warm up. But the problem can be eliminated with a remote starter in the car.

Either to start the engine remotely or to warm up the car before getting inside a remote starter is required.

Although remote starters are automatically included in most of the new vehicles, the old car models do not come with that feature. Fortunately, if remote starters intrigue you, there are many aftermarket options available to fulfill your needs. In a remote starter kit, you will be able to start your car remotely and have access to other features like remote locking and unlocking of your doors and mires.

Compustar Two-Way vs. Compustar One-Way: The Best Compustar Remote Start as Per Our Choice

Compustar Two-Way Remote Start and Alarm Bundle

Compustar 7900AS
Compustar 7900 ES

With a maximum range of 3000-feet, this package is a two-way remote starter kit and alarm bundle from Compustar. The CS7900 ES is a two-way shared LCD remote with other features such as:

  • A shock sensor
  • Siren
  • Control module

This device allows you to lock and start your vehicle even from a distance. The remote also provides visual and audible cues when you successfully send commands.

Compustar 7900AS Remote Key
Compustar 7900 ES Remote Key

With this device, you can impact all the sensors of your vehicle for added security. If there is a break, you will get notified by the remote and know what’s going on near and around your vehicle. The alarm siren is rated at over 105 decibels, and the siren is loud and nice.

Like all remote starter kits and alarm bundles, you must hire a professional to install it unless you are really aware of the wirings.

  • Pros: This comes with a two-way LCD remote, 3000 feet range, and a loud siren.
  • Cons: Installing this device is really complex, and the screen on the remote can scratch easily if not taken care of.

Computer One-Way Remote Start and Keyless Entry

Compustar 920S
Compustar 920S

If you’re looking for a budgeted option, you can consider Compustar CS920S. This is a one-way remote starter kit and keyless entry system. This model comes with four buttons that work through the control module of the device. This is compatible with diesel engines and has a 1000-foot max range.

Compustar 920S Remote Key
Compustar 920S Remote Key

You will be able to start your vehicle remotely, lock and unlock your doors with this system. The horn honks, passive and active alarming functions, and valid mode are some of the other features that you can find in this device.

  • Pros: Budgeted price, one year warranty, and keyless entry
  • Cons: Limited range of 1000 foot only, basic one-way system

What to Buy One-Way or Two-Way?

A one-way system is the best choice for you if you’re looking for an affordable option. One-way devices can send a signal to the starter receiver that is installed in the vehicle. But the one-way system doesn’t receive information back from the vehicle, which means that your car can only receive signals. 

Two-Way kits are expensive, but you can also get information from the vehicle and stay notified when certain functions are active.

Even in the most basic form of a two-way smart starter kit, LED lights will be delivering you the updates, while the expensive kits will have LCD displays to send messages or even imagery to let you know the status of your car.

At the end of the day, it is you to decide whether you want to spend some extra amount on a two-way system. Car Toys has ample options of smart starter kits to choose from. Visit the website and pick the one you like.

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All-Wheel Drive vs Four-Wheel Drive: Which One Is Better? Know The Difference Tue, 02 Mar 2021 16:07:36 +0000 More]]> The difference between all-wheel drive and four-wheel drive is very minimal. Both are meant for driving in severe winter weather, wet roads, rough terrains, and highways.

If you are going to purchase one or the other, it is vital to know the differences between both drive systems.

The AWD is a relatively new system, but it is now the favorite of most drivers. Those who are interested in driving on rough surfaces need a 4WD system. Yet the shortcomings can affect if you are a novice to 4WD.

All Wheel Drive vs Four Wheel Drive

Four-Wheel Drive (4WD)

Four-wheel drive, or 4×4, is a vehicle drivetrain popularly used in rough SUVs and trucks. It is designed for wild, unpaved. Some of these are hard trucks, such as the Honda Ridgeline.

Simply put, a four-wheel drive is a system that directs the same amount of power to all the wheels without favoring any particular wheel. Receiving power from the drive shaft and engine implies that each wheel will rotate at the same velocity.

While this equal power distribution is ideal for rugged and uneven surfaces as it helps maintain optimal levels of traction, it can be a problem when you are driving on the road. It will make turning through tight roads inconvenient for you as these tires are no longer in sync. Since most 4WD systems are part-time – a type of drivetrain system in which you can switch actively between 4WD and 2WD, driving on well-paved highways and roads is not a problem.

Four-Wheel Drive: Part-Time vs Full-Time

Four-wheel drivetrain systems come in two variants, part-time 4WD and full-time 4WD.

Full-time 4WD is easy to understand. These cars don’t come with a two-wheel drive system. You only have to rely on a 4WD. This drivetrain system is mostly found in old trucks and SUVs. It is becoming obsolete, the reason being that no driver wants a car that is only limited to off-road driving conditions.

As it was said previously, part-time 4WD allows you to switch from full 4WD and 2WD. The 4WD mode is only turned on as you negotiate rough terrains like gravel, rock or mud, and as you hit the highway, you switch to 2WD.

Some parts of the vehicles have a four-wheel drive system with a transfer case. This consists of 4-low or 4-high. 4-High mode vectorizes and limits powers at the wheels. It allows you to travel quickly on soft ground.

4-low is used when you want maximum power. It is used when your vehicle is at low speed and your wheels need all the power to pass over something. For instance, if your car is stuck or you are going through rocks slowly, you can turn the 4-low mode on so your wheel receives maximum power.

Pros of 4WD

  • Helps attain optimal traction on rugged and uneven terrains
  • You can turn it on and off to control the fuel consumption

Cons of 4WD

  • It is not flexible enough to be used in any type of condition
  • Adds more weight to the vehicle and increases fuel consumption
  • 4WD cars are expensive as most of the cost is associated with the production of these cars

All-Wheel Drive

Today, more and more cars are coming with an all-wheel drive system, from supercars to compact SUVs. It is the latest drivetrain system. This automated drivetrain system is considered more user-friendly as it does all the work for the driver.

Unlike 4WD, all-wheel drive systems send power to the wheels which need it the most. You can find AWD systems in nearly all body types from sedans and SUVs to minivans and coupes.

SUVs like the Honda CR-V and Pilot Honda have AWD standards in their upper-level trims. You can also get AWD in other variants by paying some additional amount. Many new drivers prefer this drivetrain system as it is totally automated and does not require any human input. AWD can sense which tire is losing traction and divert the power away from this wheel so it can regain traction with the surface.

AWD Pros

  • Better grip and traction in all road conditions, whether it is off-road or on-road
  • Offers better handling capabilities to cars
  • No hassle of switching it on and off

AWD Cons

  • Decreases fuel economy and adds weight to the vehicle
  • Not ideal for extreme off-road conditions
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9 Mods That Will Boost Your Car’s Resale Value Tue, 25 Aug 2020 17:48:45 +0000 More]]> Car modifications are popular among people who want to make their cars look better. Sprucing up vehicles with additions like a modern sound system has become increasingly popular.
However, not all vehicle modifications are of value. Some cost a lot to maintain while others are just a waste of money, even if they make the car look fantastic.

What car modifications improve the resale value?

If you want to modify your car with your eye on improving its resale value, here are a few suggestions:

1. Improve engine performance

KN Air Intake System Increases Engine Power

The outer part of your vehicle may look amazing, but if the engine is not in good shape, it will decrease your car’s value. To improve your car engine, add horsepower by fitting your vehicle with an air intake system. It will give your vehicle power to take in more air into the engine and cut down your fuel costs.

2. Bluetooth and WIFI technology

Bluetooth Logo

Cars that use old radio systems may only appeal to classic car enthusiasts. Most people now want vehicles that are Bluetooth and WIFI enabled.
With Bluetooth, you can safely receive and make calls in your car while keeping your eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel. It also allows you to listen to music from your phone on your car sound system.
WIFI access in your car will allow you to connect many devices to the internet while on the go and save on data. It’s a great addition to have on a road trip, especially with kids, as everyone can use their device.

3. Beautiful interiors

Car Interior Luxury Leather Seats Mercedes S Klasse

The way your car looks inside will affect its value. People want a vehicle that looks nice and is comfortable to sit in. Leather seats are a popular interior modification because they feel good, look good, and last long.
Inverters are another great interior modification as they give drivers a place to plug in electrical devices, cigarette lighters, and USB devices.
Also, invest in good quality custom car mats that will protect your car floor from wear and tear. If they are of a color that matches the interior or have the vehicle logo on them, the better.

4. High-performance tires

High Performance Car Tires Michelin Pilot Sport

Tires carry your vehicle through all kinds of terrain. Therefore every car owner wants to have a car with tires that are capable of withstanding wear and tear and handle well in all types of roads and weather.
An upgrade to high-performance tires will increase your vehicle’s value and safety, as they improve traction and allow drivers to move at high speeds while keeping the car stable, making it an excellent investment that will appeal to most potential buyers.

5. Change the rims

Change Your Car Rims

Some rims are too heavy, and they slow down the car. The best rims to get are alloy rims as they are lighter than many other metal rims such as steel rims.
Alloy rims will improve the value of your car. They cut down on wear and tear and help cool down the car brakes, which will help drivers keep the brake pads and brakes for longer.
You can also add some rim protection strips to your alloy rims to keep them from getting chipped. If you want to improve your vehicle’s aesthetics, use colored rim protection strips that match your vehicle color for a sleek look.

6. Rearview cameras and parking sensors

Rear View Car Camera

Some technology makes it safer to drive a car, and rearview cameras are a good example. These cameras allow drivers to see what is behind them while reversing. It makes drivers more secure when on the road as they don’t have to rely on rearview mirrors.
Parking sensors work in the same way as rear view cameras by making it easier for drivers to park accurately. These two technologies cut down on risks while driving, and they add value to vehicles.

7. SAT Nav


If your car doesn’t have Sat-Nav, install that too as many car buyers want a car that will help them navigate and make driving easier. Although people can get a GPS on their phones, built-in Sat Navs still add value to vehicles as they do more than just help in directions. They also inform drivers when they are speeding and are a great asset on long road trips.

8. Improve the exterior

2021 BMW X6 Exterior

The way your car looks on the outside will also affect its value. Car buyers want an aesthetically pleasing vehicle. Apart from making it beautiful, it would help if you also worked on your car exterior by making it more durable. One way to do this is to apply a hydrophobic coating to protect your car exterior from water damage and corrosion.
You can also install window film as people appreciate it to protect privacy and valuables inside the car from theft.

9. Install better brakes

High Performance Ceramic Brakes

Installing a better braking system will make it safer to drive your car, making it a worthwhile investment for you and any future potential buyers. Some great options are ceramic brake pads, which can take high brake temperatures, and are quiet when braking. These brake pads last longer and expose the rotors to less wear and tear, making them a great add-on to any vehicle.
Are you thinking of modifying your car?
These are a few modifications that can add value to your car. Remember, some add ons can reduce your car’s value. Therefore, if you are unsure what to do to your vehicle to add value, contact a professional for help.

Author: Pauline Trent

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Advantages of Using HVLP Paint Guns For Painting Cars Thu, 20 Aug 2020 16:24:31 +0000 More]]> Have you ever tried to paint your own car to see just how painful and hard it can be to repaint the entire body of the car? Those times will come to an end once you try using a High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) paint sprayer, which can finish the work hours earlier than your usual paint guns and finish all your DIY projects in no time with such a paint sprayer.

HVLP Spray Gun Car 2

The best brands selling those HVLP spray guns are mostly based on your price range which we’ve narrowed down to low, which means under $100, medium – $100-200, and high priced – over $300, based solely on your needs, which means that if you only get 2 or 3 projects every few months it won’t be worth it to buy a high-priced range HVLP gun.

Cons and Pros for HVLP Spray Guns


HVLP Spray Gun Featured Image

Materials are protected by high corrosion resistance and feature non-stick properties along with being the best guns for automotive spray painting.

Most of them come in pretty compact and lightweight designs, making them easy to maneuver, and they have constant feed spray for better car paint performance.

They save on time and materials and come to a cheap price for semi-professional Paint Guns.

Some of them can be used on a full spectrum of coatings regardless of on-time and they are fast and easy to use in any condition while also achieving professional results.


Cheap HVLP Spray Gun

The main cons about such paint guns are that they are slower than your conventional paint gun due to low pressure being harder and taking more time to paint a big surface like a large outside wall. And you can also have trouble with thicker paint but it won’t be a problem if you are using the right kind of paint for your desired HVLP paint gun.

Basically, there are way more pros than cons, but most of them result in reduced overall waste of materials, using from 50% to 80% less paint while using one of these paint guns. They are designed to minimize air pollution and keep the paint where it belongs, be it in the can, on the car, or on any other surface.

They also reduce overspray and they are easy to control while also being very portable and easy to clean.

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The Benefits of Vehicle Tracking for Large Commercial Fleets Tue, 28 Jul 2020 20:08:41 +0000 More]]> Commercial vehicles are everywhere, being seen on the road almost every day in our life, where they serve as a crucial part of so many of our lives. Commercial vehicles are used by different types of businesses, as a link of a supply chain or working as field service vehicles, within industries like construction, automotive, and electrical.

In some situations, the fleet of a commercial vehicle can amount to hundreds, and it represents a number of challenges to those responsible for care-taking the fleet. Fleet managers are required to handle a number of tasks on a daily basis and only such tasks are especially complicated when the number of vehicles in their fleet is increased.

Technology has been instrumental in facilitating the job of fleet managers for years. Vehicle tracking is one specific piece of technology that has had a large impact, especially with larger fleets. There are several main advantages of using vehicle tracking systems within a large commercial fleet, and here we are going to consider each of them more closely.

Customer Service 

customer service

Good service should be a concern for any business with a commercial fleet. Regardless of whether the commercial vehicles are in direct contact with individual customers, or are a part of a larger supply chain, the timing information is essential. Vehicle tracking presents the ability for fleet managers to know the exact live location of all the vehicles in their fleet.

For instance, a delivery vehicle leaves a site, the client should be given information on when the delivery will arrive. At first, this is possible when the delivery route is designed. Nevertheless, since the real-time location of the vehicles is visible, customers will be also informed of a new delivery time should there be a delay at any point. Letting customers know when a vehicle is going to arrive would improve the customer experience and more business in the future.

Operational Efficiency 

operational efficiency

Ensuring operational efficiency with a large commercial vehicle relies on several factors. However, arguably the most important is route planning. With any commercial fleet, making sure the routes that drivers are taking to their destinations are as time-efficient as possible is vital. By using vehicle tracking technology, fleet managers have access to the historical journey data of their fleet. 

Analyzing this data can allow for more efficient routes to be planned by fleet managers, by looking back to see where problem areas have occurred in the past and avoiding them. For example, routes may have been used that took drivers along a popular motorway as that was expected to be the fastest and shortest. However, because of congestion at certain times of the day, a slightly longer route which had fewer motorists actually proved faster. Journey data will show this and allow for better route planning which leads to other improvements, such as increased deliveries in a day, for example, and better customer service. 

Driver Safety 

driver safety

With commercial fleets of any size, but particularly large commercial fleets that may be using larger vehicles, driver safety needs to be a top priority. There are some key features of vehicle tracking which have a positive impact on driver safety. Firstly, by seeing the live location of a vehicle, if there was ever an accident involving that vehicle, the exact location could be provided to emergency services. 

Secondly, some companies offer in-cab coaching systems which are fitted into the cabin of commercial vehicles. These systems provide drivers with instant audio and visual feedback on their driving. They are alerted to actions that could be dangerous, such as speeding and harsh corning, acceleration, and braking. Another key feature of these in-cab systems can be the presence of an E-call (SOS) button, which provides a fleet manager with an alert, and the exact GPS location of the vehicle should an emergency take place. 

All of these features not only improve the safety of the commercial driver but also that of other road users. Considering the numbers and presence of commercial vehicles on the road, this is of vital importance. 

Environmental Impact 

environmental impact

In the contemporary world, the influence of cars running on fossil fuel on the environment is clear. For businesses, that are running large commercial fleets, this fact would imply that they are the major contributors to CO2 and other dangerous gases being pumped into the atmosphere. The environmental impact of commercial fleets can be reduced by vehicle tracking in several ways.

Further to what has been said, commercial vehicles will get to their destination in a quicker time if planed in the best way. A vehicle has a smaller environmental impression when it spends less time on the road.

In addition, the coaching systems that deliver driver feedback can aid drivers in running their commercial vehicles more efficiently. Thus, by informing drivers of activities that lead to heavy fuel consumption, like idle running and speeding, drivers will find themselves using the amount of fuel they use per day. In addition, it is very environmentally friendly and can result in saving a large amount of money for businesses, as fuel costs for large fleets can be very high. A good alternative is to see a fuel comparison site such as iCompario.

In instances where data about a lot of vehicles may be scattered throughout the country at any one time, it will be absolutely necessary to be able to utilize a system that delivers the data as fast as possible and in an efficient manner. On the whole, vehicle tracking technology can bring about a number of tangible benefits to large commercial fleets for both the business and their clients.

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Are Active Safety Features Really Worth It? Tue, 12 May 2020 13:50:16 +0000 More]]> Active safety features help in avoiding or reducing the impact in an accident before it actually happens.

These features work by taking input from the car and its surrounding in real time by using various sensors. And if it detects anything unusual that can cause an accident, it assists the driver in reacting accordingly, or alerts him, or takes over the control of the vehicle according to the severity of situation.

Most of the modern come equipped with some of these features as standard as instructed by the safety regulating authorities, whereas many come in as an accessible option. These active safety features can be classified in two segments.

One segment of these active safety features helps improve the drivers control on the car in emergency situations. These can be crucial in maintaining the cars stability while maneuvering at high speeds or during braking. They mostly rely on data feed from sensors that detect the vehicle’s attributes, and sense for any emergency situation to respond accordingly.  It includes Antilocking Braking System (ABS), Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) and Traction Control System (TRC) etc.

  • ABS ensures that the rider has complete control over the car even when it is braked harshly. When brakes are fully depressed it simply prevents the tires from locking, so the drive can manure over the obstacle.
  • An ESC and EBD helps the car stay under controls while maneuvering at high speeds. It applies individual braking on corresponding tires to generate moment in order to aid the car to turn securely at high speeds.
  • A TRC comes in action to avoid any tire slippage, when the rider steps down on the gas pedal, to avoid the car from going sideways and out of his control.

Other active safety features help avoid the accidents or reduce the amount of damage done by alerting the distracted driver of the situation or taking over the cars control to avoid it from happening. These Safety features take data feed from the environment through radars and cameras. And sense or predict for any inbound hazard. These type of safety features require better computers to control them, along with well-developed software to detect such road vulnerabilities. Some of the major active safety features of this type include Vehicle Lane Keeping (VLK), Autonomous Emergency Braking, Blind-Spot Detectors etc.

  • Vehicle Lane Keeping senses the on-road markings and interprets the road lanes. If it detects that the car is slowly drifting off its driving lane, it alerts the driver with a beep or vibrating the steering along with reducing its speed, or it automatically brings the car back into its driving lane.
  • Autonomous Emergency Braking Systems use cameras, radars or lasers to map out the vehicles, obstacles or pedestrians in the front proximity of the car. If it senses that the driver won’t be able to react in time to the obstacle Infront, it applies the emergency brakes itself automatically.
  • Blind spot detectors spot obstacles in close proximity off any blind spots in the car such as Infront of its A or C pillars and alerts the driver with a beep, or vibration to avoid collisions. They also alert the driver of a side lane approaching cars by flashing a hazard light in wing mirrors, to avoid changing lane when it’s on.

The development of these active features has led to the introduction of autonomous vehicles or partially autonomous systems in vehicles for consumers such as adaptive cruise control. They can be termed as more of a comfort feature as compared to the safety features mentioned above.

Active safety features are worth adding in consumer vehicles for added safety and are ensured to come as standard from manufacturers by safety regulation authorities.

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Press Release Provides Details of the New Fisker Ocean Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:44:09 +0000 More]]> One of the most anticipated electric SUV of the year – also to be showcased at the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show at the beginning of the year – is no other than Fisker`s exquisite Ocean electric Sports Utility Vehicle. Just a couple of hours ago, the carmaker officially released the full details of the model during a press release.

As the carmaker states on the press release, the Fisker Ocean is “the world`s most sustainable vehicle| to make world debut at Consumer Electronics Show, and is regarded “as the world`s first all-digital car compay” that “created real excitement in every corner of the globe.”

First off, the Fisker Ocean stands out from the crowd with a huge body – it measures 182.7 inches long and has enough room inside for two rows of seats and 20 cubic feet of cargo space at the back; this can be expanded to 45 cubic feet with the rear sets folded.

Next is the full-length solar roof at the exterior, which according to Fisker, offers 1,000 sun-charged miles of driving throughout the whole year. Other stand-out features refer to massive 20-inch alloy wheels as standard, or 22-inch rims as optional.

Second, Fisker`s Ocean benefits from the best technological gadgets and gizmos, starting with the massive 16-inch center touch screen, while the driver enjoys a 9.8-inch screen in the cluster. There is also an integrated heads-up display for the driver which monitors the car`s different parameters. The cabin is also surrounded by sustainable and recycled materials.

Last but not least, the power of the Fisker Ocean is absolutely amazing, given the full-electric system and the sprint from 0 to 100 km/h in a staggering 2.9 seconds. At least, this is what Fisker previously declared, without mentioning the output of the electric motors. And this info is still unavailable for the moment. What we also know is that the electric motors are sustained by an 80kWh battery which can run up to 300 miles on a single charge.

Once available on the market in 2021, the Fisker Ocean will have a starting price of just $37,499, which is pretty amazing and will definitely win a lot of hearts. Until full details emerge later on, don’t forget to read the press release of the Fisker Ocean below!  

The Fisker Ocean – Official Press Release

The world’s most sustainable vehicle made its public debutat Consumer Electronics Show 2020, grabbing awards and top show honors from some of the most prominent media outlets, including TIME Magazine•Newall-electric luxury SUVdimensions and select features released.

LOS ANGELES(Jan. 13, 2020) –Fisker Inc.–designer and manufacturer of the world’s most emotion-stirring, eco-friendly electric vehicles and advanced mobility solutions –is revealing new dimension figures and images on the heels of the all-electric luxury SUV’s grand global debut at Consumer Electronics Show 2020.

Henrik Fisker, chairman and CEO –Fisker Inc.

•  “As the world’s first all-digital car company –aimed at shifting the paradigm on how a customer selects, test drives, services and experiences a vehicle–we’re humbled and delighted at the overwhelmingly positive response to the Fisker Ocean, our disruptive mobile app-based brand experience, our smarter business model approach and the emotionally-compelling design of the vehicle itself. The Ocean’s debut at CES created real excitement in every corner of the globe, reflected by some of the top show honors presented to Fisker –including those from TIME Magazine, Business Insider, Mashable and many more prominent entities.”

•  “We are now excited to reveal some of the vehicle’s dimensions and additional features. In addition, we look forward to sharing more developments on the vehicle with the world soon, including the first public footage of the full production intent prototype’s road tests–showcasing the durability and readiness of the Fisker Ocean’s fully-engineered platform.”

Big Space. Big Screens. BigExperiences.

The Fisker Ocean experience is characterized by a sense of freedom, fun and luxury –complemented by off-road capability and superior utility.

Dramatic Dimensions: At 4640 mm (182.7 inches)  in length, 1930 mm (76inches) in width and 1615 mm (63.6inches) in height, the all-electric luxury SUV offers a spacious environment for both front and rear passengers. With thoughtful design touches, new spaces are created for five adults to sit comfortably during even the longest of rides.

Functional Utility: With 566 liters (20 cubic feet) of trunk space, the vehicle presents practicality and utility. The space increases to 708 liters (25 cubic feet) with the parcel shelf removed, expanding to 1274 liters (45 cubic feet) with the rear seats folded. The Fisker Ocean will come with roof rails and towing hook options. Towing capacity will be released in 2021.

Stunning Wheels: The base model will feature stylishly designed20-inchwheels, with 22-inch wheel options for an even larger presence on and off the road.

All-Terrain Driving and Power: The Fisker Ocean will be offered in a four-wheel drive configuration on all trims except for the base model–reflecting the vehicle’s off-road capabilities. The base four-wheel drive configuration will deliver an output of over 225kW(over 300hp)with an ultra-high performance version targeting zero to 60mph in less than 3 seconds with a total power output to be announced in 2021.

Foresight: A state-of-the-art heads-up display integrated into the windshield will be complemented by a large 16-inchcenter touch screen and a 9.8-inchcluster screen. From augmented reality features to haptic touch buttons and immersive digital experiences, the vehicle offers impressive visuals all around.

California Mode:

o This patented feature, inspired by the Fisker brand’s roots and passion for the Southern California coastline, lowers/slides nine glass windows/panels to open the entire cabin with one touch –creating an open-air feeling, while still maintaining a full “roll cage” safety structure around the passengers. The feature allows the rear hatch glass to drop –enabling long items to be placed through the opening without having to drive with an open tail gate.

o Fisker will offer this feature as standard across all option packages, except the base model.

•Charging and Range: The Fisker Ocean features a CCS Type 2 Combo plug –enabling the vehicle to be charged through any stations that leverage technology in line with the latest in international standards.

o Fisker Ocean vehicles will be automatically recognized by Electrify America’s charging stations –allowing for simple charging, automatic release and automatic payments. Fisker will offer a free miles package with each vehicle, allowing for a certain amount of complimentary charging. Additional details on charging packages will be shared later in 2020.

o The vehicle is equipped with a fully sourced, validated and tested state-of-the-art battery –with 80 kWh capacity and a range of up to 300 miles (depending on driving conditions).

o More than 200 miles of range can be delivered from 30 minutes of charging for the Fisker Ocean (15% capacity to 80% capacity). Electrify America’s 150 kW chargers can charge capable vehicles up to 20 miles per minute.

The World’s Most Sustainable Vehicle –From the Inside-Out.

Fisker Inc. believes that the industry should stop looking at innovation superficially and start taking responsibility for its products, end-to-end –giving customers the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable future. Some of the Fisker Ocean’s features include (not limited to):

•Full-length solar roof:

o Supporting the car’s electric power source, boosting fuel efficiency and lowering carbon dioxide emissions. Result: 1000 free, clean miles per year.

o As the technology evolves, Fisker will feature integrated hardware solutions for better energy yields and more free, clean miles per year.

•Fully recycled carpeting:

o Made from regenerated nylon, which is made from abandoned fishing net waste –pulled from the oceans and aquaculture.

•Vegan interior:

o 100% Polycarbonate Polyurethane surfaces and 100% reinforced Rayon backing.

o Meets stringent chemical emission limits for various VOCs (such as Formaldehyde).

•Eco-suede: interior textures and patterns:

o Dinamica: Derived from polyester fibers (T-shirts, fibers) and recycled bottles, plastic, etc.

o Recycling polyester means reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 80% compared to the traditional petrol-based polyester production process.

o Eco-sustainability, as well as the lowest levels of polluting emissions and energy consumption, are guaranteed throughout the whole production cycle.

•Repurposing rubber waste:

o Fisker will utilize discarded rubber waste generated during tire manufacturing that will no longer be dumped in landfills.

o Recycling saves impressive amounts of energy, which ultimately reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

•Liberating Flexibility:

Reservations are set at $250 (U.S.) for either the full purchase option or the flexible lease program.

•Full purchase option: Starting at $37,499 (U.S.) MSRP. After the U.S. federal tax credit is applied, the cost of the Fisker Ocean drops to a starting price of $29,999 (U.S.).

Unprecedented flexible lease model. Reservations are now open through the Fisker mobile app on theApp StoreandGoogle Playstore, or the Fisker website–set at $250 (U.S.):  Drivers can get behind the wheel of the Fisker Ocean starting at $379 (U.S.) per month (with $2,999 down before delivery in 2022, which includes both initiation and activation fees). Fisker will also offer a “$0 drive off” option through a fully financed $2,999 down payment for credit approved customers. More technical specifications and details on manufacturing strategy will be shared at this year’s Geneva Auto Show. The Fisker Ocean is targeted to begin production at the end of 2021 –with the first high-volume deliveries projected for 2022.For more information, or for interview inquiries, contact

Source: Fisker ( )

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